The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast is hosted by Dr. Taylor Krick, a functional medicine practitioner (and sufferer of autoimmune disease himself) who specializes in educating and supporting those dealing with autoimmune diseases or symptoms. Dr. Taylor's focus is on explaining the underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity, while also giving clinical pointers to help you manage your own case through labs, supplements, and lifestyle strategies. For more information visit www.autoimmunedocpodcast.com
65 episodes
065 - Interview with our "Mold Testing Guy" - Ben Kunze of Golden Environmental LLC
In a recent podcast interview, a pediatrician friend of mine asked "Wait, who is this mold testing guy you keep talking about?" When I told him about Ben Kunze of Golden Environmental LLC, he wa...
Season 3
Episode 65

064 - "Change the Air" - my Interview with Mold Medic and Air Quality Expert Michael Rubino
Michael Rubino is a name I've heard a lot the past few years in the mold and indoor environmental air quality world, which if you've listened to this podcast you know this is something I am also very passionate about. He wrote a book a few year...
Season 3
Episode 64

063 - Dr. Taylor Talks About: Mechanisms of STRESS CHEMISTRY
STRESS - we all got it. Haha - - What can you do? Try to understand it more! I see all kinds of "stress-related" cases - autoimmune disease flares, stress-related gut flares, "adrenal fatigue" symptoms, being "easily triggere...
Season 3
Episode 63

062 - Dr. Taylor Talks About: Social Media and Online Health Advice - Gift or Curse?
OK SO - - in 2025, I am starting to do a new thing on the podcast called "Dr. Taylor Talks About _____" in an effort to just make more content and share more of my opinions, views, and interpretations. I hate to say this, but I've developed a c...
Season 3
Episode 62

061 - Redefining Mold Toxicity - Another Awesome Conversation w/ Pediatrician Dr. Pejman Katiraei
This podcast is another GREAT conversation with my friend Pejman (the other doctor K, haha) that we recorded recently. I also put this on our Youtube channel, but here is the audio. It's a long conversation, but we could have easily kept going!...
Season 3
Episode 61

060 - A Functional Medicine Approach to PAIN
Let's face it - being in pain sucks. That's kind of part of it, right?? So obviously people with pain, especially chronic pain, want some relief. That's why pain is a leading cause of disability, and pain management is a multi-billion dollar-pe...
Season 3
Episode 60

059 - Testing and Interpreting your Genetics
Genetic testing is fascinating, but I have a love-hate relationship with it as a practitioner. It is very trendy in the functional medicine/health world, and I think this makes sense - - so many people are trying to figure out WHY they feel a c...
Season 3
Episode 59

058 - Pregnancy, Birth, and Autoimmunity
We have A LOT of pregnant clients in our office right now, it's honestly crazy. Many of these women have diagnosed autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some of them have "undiagnosed autoimmunity", like positive ANA t...
Season 3
Episode 58

057 - KID'S HEALTH - My Favorite Tools for Kid's Health
Whether it's allergies, asthma, autism, ADHD, or autoimmunity - kids have a lot more health concerns these days - and those are just the A's!I see a lot of kids (parents) from all over the world asking me to help them with their health ...
Season 3
Episode 57

056 - Stress, Grief, and How I'm Doing After Losing My Dad
SO - the title of this podcast pretty well summarizes what this episode is about - how I'm doing since suddenly losing my dad. 3 months ago, my dad died. He had been fine 4 weeks earlier. He had just turned 68, he was still working...
Season 3
Episode 56

055 - Kids, Mental Health, & Mold with Pediatrician Dr. Pejman Katiraei
Ok so, I knew Dr. K was awesome, but I didn't know he was THIS AWESOME.....This is an interview with pediatrician Dr. Pejman Katiraei, DO from Santa Barbara, California. In this interview, Dr. K talks about how common it is to se...
Season 2
Episode 55

054 - Dizziness, Vertigo, and Vestibular Rehab - Interview with Dr. Ashley Contreras of VizStim
I see a lot of neurological cases that experience symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, lightheadedness, inability to tolerate motion, flashing lights, sounds, etc. Many of these people are not local to my area, and they are all wondering "Wh...
Season 2
Episode 54

053 - How To Rewire Your Nervous System from PTSD after Long COVID, POTS, Neurotoxins, Limbic System Dysfunction, and More!
So many people in the functional medicine world, whether it be from their past adverse events, the pandemic, from Lyme disease, mold toxicity, from being gaslighted by doctors, or trying failed therapies, etc - - SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE SO...
Season 2
Episode 53

052 - "All the Pieces of the Puzzle" - My Discussion with Dr. Mark Su MD
Alright it's been WAY TOO LONG since I released a podcast, so I am starting to do some interviews to keep having good content come out on my channel :)This "interview" is a discussion with my friend and colleague Dr. Mark Su MD. ...
Season 2
Episode 52

051 - SInuses and Biofilms - ENT Issues and How I Healed Mine
Sinus problems are rampant. Americans spend over $1 Billion annually to treat sinus problems with over-the-counter medications, which is crazy. It's not just common in the chronic illness world and in the autoimmune world, and ESPECIALLY in the...
Season 2
Episode 51

050 - A Healing Mindset - The Most Important Thing!
Not everyone gets well in functional medicine. There are a lot of people sick and suffering in the world, and not everyone even becomes aware of the direct connection between diet, lifestyle, toxins, environment, stress, and other exposome fact...
Season 2
Episode 50

049 - What It's Like to Work with Dr. Taylor - Krystal's Story (interview!)
OK SO - - I help people solve their health puzzles, and they are often complex puzzles. I love it, but it can be a little confusing to explain what I do, especially if you are just getting into the "chronic health problems" world.....bu...
Season 2
Episode 49

048 - How to Support Your Brain - part 4 of 4 - BRAIN SOLUTIONS
Autoimmune Doc Supplement Store Limbic System and Cell Danger Response Video Bi...
Season 2
Episode 48

047 - How to Support Your Brain - part 3 of 4 - BRAIN REGIONS
Here is episode #3 in my series on brain health.....let's recap.The brain is complex. There are important mechanisms (neuroinflammation), functions (neuronal signaling), neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, GABA), and regions ...
Season 2
Episode 47

046 - How To Support Your Brain - part 2 of 4 - NEUROTRANSMITTERS
One of the most important things a healthy brain needs is appropriate neurotransmitter activity. Neurotransmitters regulate our brain function, our energy, our focus, our mood, and our lives. Imbalances in neurotransmitters can come from...
Season 2
Episode 46

045 - How to Support Your Brain - Part 1 of 4 - Brain Overview
Anxiety, Mast Cell Activation, and LPS (video)Cell Danger Response and Limbic System Dysfunction (video)
Season 2
Episode 45

044 - COVID, Autoimmunity, and why SARS-CoV-2 is dubbed "The Autoimmune Virus"
Long Haulers UPDATED (video)Long Haulers Mechanisms (video)
Season 2
Episode 44

043 - Your Amazing Liver
Your liver is seriously pretty amazing. I'm a 'mechanisms' kind of guy, and the liver is the king of mechanisms, including:- The liver is crucial for metabolism, regulating blood sugar, lipid, and protein metabolism.- The liver part...
Season 2
Episode 43

042 - All About Parasites!!
Parasites are interesting. That word means different things to different people, some people are terrified of the idea of worms living inside their body, but at the same time parasite cleanses are super trendy on Instagram and social media, and...
Season 2
Episode 42

Ok so let's talk about gut health. Gut health and detox are pretty much the two most important topics, and toxins affect gut health....but good gut health is necessary for proper detoxification.....I think gut health wins. At least for t...
Season 2
Episode 41