The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast is hosted by Dr. Taylor Krick, a functional medicine practitioner (and sufferer of autoimmune disease himself) who specializes in educating and supporting those dealing with autoimmune diseases or symptoms. Dr. Taylor's focus is on explaining the underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity, while also giving clinical pointers to help you manage your own case through labs, supplements, and lifestyle strategies. For more information visit www.autoimmunedocpodcast.com
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
049 - What It's Like to Work with Dr. Taylor - Krystal's Story (interview!)
OK SO - -
I help people solve their health puzzles, and they are often complex puzzles. I love it, but it can be a little confusing to explain what I do, especially if you are just getting into the "chronic health problems" world.....but my expertise is in connecting the dots on symptoms, mechanisms, physical diagnosis and lab interpretation and using those clues to help people solve puzzles.
So we start with a very detailed health history (90 mins), then this guides us towards certain lab testing, then based on the history, symptoms, and lab testing I give recommendations consisting of diet, lifestyle, and supplement protocols. This is similar to many health practitioners, but what SETS ME APART is my clinical experience, knowledge, and ability to explain these mechanisms to people so they make sense, give them goals, keep them on track, and put their puzzle pieces in the right order. Hopefully if you have heard the podcast you have realized that they way I put puzzle pieces together is different than most, so we are able to solve puzzles that most can't solve. At least that's always my goal :)
Krystal was referred to my office, and initially she had A LOT OF SYMPTOMS - regular headaches, light sensitivity, vertigo, chemical sensitivities, hormone imbalances, she was taking 4 naps a day, she had a history of prednisone and other medication usage, she had to use her rescue inhaler all the time, she was sensitive to fragrances, foods, had gut inflammation with a severely restricted diet, you name it. I told her when she came in that she was one of my top 3 most sensitive patients, and that's a hard prize to win!! So then we ran labs, we took lots of supplements, we did parasite cleanses, coffee enemas, detox support, etc etc....and now she is doing great....
That's the long story short. The details are in the podcast, but we talk about the MINDSET required for healing, we talk about her journey, we talk about how we EXPECTED roadblocks and setbacks, but we figured them out and we worked through them.
This is a great podcast, but my favorite part is hearing Krystal's mindset and the way she thought about healing. My recommendations and protocols are NOT what separates who gets well and who doesn't get well, mindset does. This is YOUR health journey, not mine. It's YOUR responsibility. Krystal is a Life Coach, and we talk extensively about how her skills in that area helped her have the healing mindset necessary to get good results, and how she has helped other people change the way they THINK about their symptoms, illness, or healing journey.
If you are in need a great life coach, look her up!!
@krystal.stegmaier on Instagram
Kystal Stegmaier - Life Coach on Facebook
and her website:
If you are interested in working with me, you can schedule a New Client Consultation with me here, or check out my Instagram, Youtube, check out our website www.autoimmunedocpodcast.com or listen to more podcast episodes to learn more about my approach to complex illnesses.