The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast is hosted by Dr. Taylor Krick, a functional medicine practitioner (and sufferer of autoimmune disease himself) who specializes in educating and supporting those dealing with autoimmune diseases or symptoms. Dr. Taylor's focus is on explaining the underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity, while also giving clinical pointers to help you manage your own case through labs, supplements, and lifestyle strategies. For more information visit www.autoimmunedocpodcast.com
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
050 - A Healing Mindset - The Most Important Thing!
Not everyone gets well in functional medicine. There are a lot of people sick and suffering in the world, and not everyone even becomes aware of the direct connection between diet, lifestyle, toxins, environment, stress, and other exposome factors as drivers of disease, but still sometimes even someone who seemingly does everything right still doesn't get great results. What separates those who DO HEAL from those who DON'T HEAL?
One of, if not THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, is a HEALING MINDSET. There are many big picture things that I discuss in this podcast about a successful healing mindset, using some actual examples, and some personal rants, but talking about things such as:
- Do they understand the big picture - that toxins, foods, infections, stress, other exposome factors cause dysfunctional processes on a cellular level, that lead to disease processes expressing over time?
- Are they connecting these mechanistic dots - this leads to this leads to this? You don't need to be an expert, but understanding the mechanisms helps understand the solutions.....
- Do they have the discipline necessary to make dietary restrictions, lifestyle changes, and stay the course? It's not about perfection either, it's about progression.
- Are they a "dabbler" and have they bounced around different practitioners, tried dozens of supplements? This is a red flag!!
- Are they committed financially? Do they even care about their financial investment?
These questions are important for practitioners to ask when attracting the right clientele, but also important for patients to ask about themselves, their motivation, determination, discipline, and mindset.
It's so important to train this growth mindset with your health and constantly remind yourself of your goals, targets, intentions, motivations to stay the course. It's ALSO really important to retrain your cells and your Limbic System, and in this podcast I talk about ways to do this, including constantly filling your brain with thoughts and words of Safety, Gratitude, Epigrams, Affirmations, I talk about Limbic System retraining programs like DNRS and the Gupta Program, and this youtube video about Cell Danger Response and Limbic System Dysfunction.