The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast is hosted by Dr. Taylor Krick, a functional medicine practitioner (and sufferer of autoimmune disease himself) who specializes in educating and supporting those dealing with autoimmune diseases or symptoms. Dr. Taylor's focus is on explaining the underlying mechanisms of autoimmunity, while also giving clinical pointers to help you manage your own case through labs, supplements, and lifestyle strategies. For more information visit www.autoimmunedocpodcast.com
The Autoimmune Doc Podcast w/ Dr. Taylor Krick
062 - Dr. Taylor Talks About: Social Media and Online Health Advice - Gift or Curse?
OK SO - - in 2025, I am starting to do a new thing on the podcast called "Dr. Taylor Talks About _____" in an effort to just make more content and share more of my opinions, views, and interpretations. I hate to say this, but I've developed a certain amount of expertise and when I share my viewpoint(s), people tend to value my opinion, so I want to share my thoughts more regularly on common topics. My opinion is not always right, it's usually open-minded and subject to change, but I like talking about my views, how I have come to those views, the evidence and the way that I see it, and people think it's very helpful, which is my only goal, and it helps them navigate their health journey.
These episodes will not really be that much different than before, but this is the first "episode" of Dr. Taylor Talks About ____, and what a better topic than: SOCIAL MEDIA AND ONLINE HEALTH ADVICE - is it a gift, or is it a curse?
Today's health and wellness landscape is seriously getting pretty crazy with Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, podcasts, etc. Everybody coming in to my office is basically regurgitating their newsfeed to me - - I think I have parasites! Can we test for heavy metals? I started taking Shilajit and Collagen and Zeolites and Hydrogen Water because they sound so amazing, but I still feel like crap! I looove having these super-educated people in my practice, but if you are coming to me for advice, why don't you ask ME what you should do instead of trying internet trends? ALL of these trends are things I know a lot about and tools that I sometimes use. But MOST OF IT is not what I would suggest you do for yourself, your symptoms, or your family.
All of this increased "wellness" exposure through social media is great because it is shining a light on my profession, shining a light on the issues with environmental toxins or pharmaceuticals, and shining a light on natural options to support human physiology - but it also muddies the waters and makes it hard to know what YOU NEED - and that's all I care about. In this episode I rant on all of these things - marketing, miracle cures, big accounts, social media experts, podcast superstars, trendy supplements and hot topics, and how to navigate this and sift through the INFO to find what you actually need.